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How can you help?

To be able to do our work we largely depend on the generosity of donors, be they private individuals, companies or service clubs.

Every donation is welcome, no matter how large or small, and all donors are able to express a preference as to where their donation is to be used.

The association is authorised to issue a tax statement in the first three months of the calendar year.

For private individuals

Guide dogs

Show your support by becoming a host family of a puppy selected for guide dog training. Veterinary costs and food are paid by the association. 


  • Show your support by making a donation to the association. Your donation of 40 euro a year or more is tax deductible, even when split into instalments. You can read about how donations are used in our “Plein Jour” magazine, which provides information about the activities run by the association for visually impaired people. 
  • Show your support by making a donation online.
  • Show your support by setting up a standing order for payments to the association’s bank account BE49 0017 0000 0071. A standing order is an instruction to your bank to pay a monthly amount as decided by you on the date of your choosing. You can change or cancel your standing order at any time. This ensures that Les Amis des Aveugles et Malvoyants receives your donation every month.
  • Show your support by making an event donation. Some people invite their friends and family to make a donation to Amis des Aveugles et Malvoyants in lieu of a present for special occasions such as birthdays, weddings and retirement. If you would like to do this, you can contact us by email. You will receive detailed information you can forward to your friends and family so that they can make their donation. Amis des Aveugles et Malvoyants will send the tax statements directly to the donors.


  • Show your support by making a bequest in a will written, signed and dated by you or a will dictated to a notary. A bequest is a good way to leave part or all of your real and/or personal property to the association. 
  • Show your support by making a “duo” bequest. If you want to leave part or all of your property to someone outside of your immediate family, such as a nephew, niece, cohabitant or friend, the inheritance tax is very high – up to 80% in Wallonia. A “duo” bequest is a totally legal way of avoiding this tax, while also helping a good cause. All you need to do is to name the non-profit organisation as the beneficiary – known in this case as the legatee by general title, or universal legatee – in your will, on condition that it transfers certain property to the person designated as the legatee by particular title, while specifying that the association will be liable for the inheritance tax. Under Belgian law, there is a special tax rate for non-profit organisations that receive a bequest (7% in Wallonia, 8.8% in Flanders and 12.5% in Brussels). The advantages are obvious. First, the beneficiaries clearly receive more than if they had directly inherited from the deceased. Second, the non-profit organisation is able to finance its projects. 

For service clubs

Show your support by sponsoring the training of a guide dog for a blind or partially sighted person. The donor club can propose someone as the person who will benefit from the guide dog whose training it part-finances.

For companies

Help Œuvre fédérale Les Amis des Aveugles et Malvoyants to develop audio description for filmgoers and museum visitors, as well as the fitting out of new living spaces and public awareness centres by including us in your CSR policy, corporate patronage scheme and sponsorship programme.


Support our integrated offering of services for blind and visually impaired persons by giving :
International Guide Dog Federation
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